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 St.Edward's College Malta马耳他圣爱德华学院





圣.爱德华学院始建于1929年。 自此,圣.爱德华学院开始向马耳他及全世界的家庭及社群,提供教育服务,并成为他们在教育领域中的第一选择。






Nollaig Mac an Bhaird



早教中心&幼儿园  2-4岁   早教中心工作时间 从830-1230分    幼儿园工作时间 从8:30-14:00整



显而易见,把我们的孩子送到圣.爱德华学院是我们非常明志的选择。非常有激情而敬业的老师们,他们总是在个性成长,学术成长和社会成长多方面带给学生更多的体验。这让孩子们非常愿意来到幼儿园。在这里,孩子们在为他们进入小学,而做着充分的准备。他们期待着早点长大,与他们的朋友们一起,变提强大而自信。 .爱德华学院超出了我们的期待,用他们个有实力的教学能力,让学生们开心而强大。


Mr & Mrs Michael Borg Manche –曼彻夫妇

Parents of KG1 and Year 3 students  幼儿园1年及3年的孩子的家长。

小学 1-5年  上学时间 1年级 8:40-14:00整     上学时间 2-5年级 8:40-15:20分

圣.爱德华学院的小学部是与主区相对独立的单元。拥有资源教室,图书馆,艺术教室,音乐和戏剧教室,以及ICT实验室。小学部与学院其它部门拥有同样的优势,是学院的骄傲之一。从5岁开始,孩子们就可以上学,同时开始参与一些社会实践活动。为了保证孩子们得到独立的充分的关注,圣.爱德华学院非常谨慎地选择教师资源。我们的学习支持咨询组织LSAS, 会与父母一起互动,探讨孩子的个性化的学习成长需求。学院会把孩子逐渐被引入各种体育项目中,如网球与田径运动,从而保证孩子的身体与情智的同步成长,并成为一个非常具有幸福感的人。所有教练都经过专业认证,拥有丰富的经验。打造幸福感强的孩子的使命,已经使圣.爱德华学院的教育独一无二。圣.爱德华学院小学部,保证孩子们在学习的过程中,充满愉乐,开心与归属感。




Mr & Mrs Andrew Ransley – 安得鲁.元斯利夫妇

Parents of Junior School students 小学生的父母

中学 6-9年级 10-13岁的孩子   上学时间:8:40-15:20


透过完整的教学系统,帮助学生们在体能及心智发展同步得到提升。学院鼓励学生去开发他们更高级的学识潜能,并确保他们在性格塑造和责任意识上收获更多,成为一名合格的爱德华人。我们鼓励学生参加多种运动,具有创造性和表演性的艺术活动,以及丰富多彩的课外活动。他们中学毕业的最后一年,他们会得到专业导师的指导,选择专业,以帮助他们成功进入更高级的学校学习。高中部从9年级到11年级,一共3年。在这个学术学习过程中,学生充分准备去进入他们的MATSECT O’Levels 以及IGCSE考试。

高中 10-11年级 14-15岁的孩子   上学时间:8:30-15:30


The core curriculum in the Senior School comprises|高中阶段的核心课程:

English Language 英文

English Literature 英文文学

C3 (new ICT programme) 计算机

Maltese 马耳他语

Physical Education 体育

Mathematics 数学

Personal and Social Development 个人与社会发展

Religion/ Ethics 宗教/道德

Students must also study one additional language in the Senior School. The languages offered are|第二门外语:

French     法语

Italian      意大利语

Spanish   西班牙语

Students must also study 3 optional subjects, one of which must be a science subject. The subjects offered are the following|三门选修课,其中一门必须是科学: 

Accounts       财务

Art                 艺术

Vocational studies in Information Technology 职业学习与信息技术

Biology         生物

Business Studies   商务学习

Chemistry     化学

Computer Studies  计算机

Drama          戏剧

Economics    经济学

Physics         物理

Geography/ History  地理/历史

12年至13年级  年龄16-18岁   学习时间: 840-1520






121个国家接受IBDP,包括马耳他大学。 IB学生从圣.爱德华学院毕业通常会进入世界名校如加利福尼亚大学,洛杉矶大学,伦敦大学,帝国理工大学,波兰格坦斯克医学院,LUISS商务学院,罗马大学,利物浦大学,意大利米兰BOCCONI大学。事实证明,拥有IB课程认证的学生,在申请世界著名大学的成功率要高于普通学生。


1.    在英国,IB学生在前20排名的大学中,毕业率是普通学生的2倍。

2.    通过反馈,IB学生进入大学后,更容易快速的适应大学的学习环境与节奏。

3.    IB课程会鼓励学生批判性地思考与挑战他们常规的认知。

4.    IB课程独立于政府之外的,因此可以更好的设立更加国际化的课程框架。

5.    IB课程鼓励学生在国际化与本土化两个方面思考如何向身边的社区提供更有建设性的服务。












在圣爱德华以“Sixth Form”为结构的校园生活,是建立在学生\教师\管理三者之间最理想关系的基础之上,是通向学术与个人成就的关键。


The School Week 学校周历


A round the clock experience 时间表

As a well-established school, we operate five days a week. Lessons take place from Monday – Friday from 8:30 till 15:30 every day. 



All students wear a school uniform to keep in mind that image is an important factor in today’s working world. The formal school day starts at 8:30 with registration where the IB coordinator meets students in the AV Room except 11px;font-family: 宋体">。




The school day ends at 15:30 if speakers or other activities are not taking place. 

Since September 2009, the IB has been the sole Sixth Form Curriculum, providing the best possible preparation for university and the world of work. We are looking for people who are independent learners, reflective and keen to take responsibility for themselves and others, and have fun along the way. 

在没有特别安排的情况下,全天放学时间是在15:30分。自2009年9月份开始,IB课程一直以来,都是为大学及工作生活做准备的最好Sixth Form课程结构。通过IB课程,我们创造着独立学习者,深度思考的,热衷于对自己及别人负责,永远拥有健康乐观心态的人群体。


The Sixth Form at St Edward’s College is co-educational with an equal split between girls and boys. Though most of our students are Maltese nationals, we also have a sizeable number from overseas. This makes for a great atmosphere and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and cultural experiences is a benefit to all. The majority of students are day-boarders but we also offer boarding facilities 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">“Sixth Form”在圣爱德华的学习方式是男女同校的。尽管多数我们的学生都是来自于马耳他本地,不过我们仍然有很多的国际学生,这有利于学生们创造国际化的环境及交流思想。同时我们还提供寄宿服务。


Sixth Form Team 团队

The Sixth Form enjoys a dedicated group of staff who help students cope with the demands of studying and with becoming young adults 

专业团队提供的Sixth Form教学,是着力把青少年,打造成年青的成年人。


Whilst Sixth Formers are given more independence and opportunities for decision making which befits their age, we recognize that increased responsibility requires an effective support network. 

所以,在学习Sixth Form的时候,学生会有更多的机会独立做出决定,这有利于提升学生的独立性。



At St Edward’s College, we pride ourselves 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">圣爱德华学院提供生活辅导与学术引导并重的管理模式,Sixth Form团队对学生的生活负责,同时保证学生学习到必要的技能及教育成果,兼未来的就业规划。把学生培养成为一专多能的,自信的,成功的成年人。当学生有需要的时候,随时会提供监护性支持。



Sixth Form Programme 关于Sixth Form(IB的课程结构)介绍


Through this programme, students are given a variety of opportunities which provide them with the necessary skills, experiences and guidance to progress 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal"> 

Sixth Form将会帮助通过各种机会,让孩子们学习到非常实用而有效的生活技能与经验,这帮助他们走向成功。


Some of the topics include: 


     How to get the most out of IB. Academic Honesty 


    Study skills: note-taking, research and essay writing 


    Careers – university applications, gap year options 


     Health issues 


   Life Skills – safe computing, financial advice, coping with stress 


Sixth Form Activities | 各种活动如下

Sport Activities are a strong part of the St Edward’s College ethos; providing discipline, self achievement and development 

St Edward’s prides itself 11px;font-family: 圣爱德华非常满意于其特色的课外活动,让学生们不断受益。

IB Diploma students are involved in the CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) programme but are encouraged to “go the extra mile”. Involvement in the activities programmes at St Edward’s College allows students to grow as a person. As both participant and organiser, students are encouraged to expand their horizons, increase their talents and be given the chance to inspire and be inspired. 

IB 学历包括CAS(创造性活动与服务)项目,同时也鼓励学生能够不断超越。这些活动,让学生不断向一个成熟的成长方向发展。活动的参与者与组织者会一起,透过活动扩大学生们的视野,提升他们的潜能,激发他们的激情。





Sixth Form Facilities
| Sixth Form设施

The Sixth Form provides excellent facilities for study and relaxation. 

在学习Sixth Form时,学生可以使用非常有效的设备设施。

The Sixth Form Library includes an area for private study with PCs and Wi-Fi Internet access for laptop users; a well-resourced Careers Library. 

Sixth Form的图书馆都提供电脑及WIFI接入,对于想使用于笔记本电脑的学生,也提供了一系列方便设施。同时电子图书馆,资源也非常丰富。


The Sixth Form Common Room combines privacy and relaxation where students can play games, chat and relax. 

Sixth Form的共享区,对于学生来讲,是比较放松和不被别人打扰的。在这里学生可以玩一些游戏,交流并放松。


In the past year the management and the students’ representatives organised various informal activities. These have included healthy cake sale, sport tournament, active participation in St Edward’s fair, educational trips abroad such as the trip to the European Parliament in Strasburg, participation to “Young Enterprise” and ESU debating competition or invited speakers. 





Sixth Form Rules & Regulations 学校校规

Respecting 11px;font-family: 

 Uniform must be impeccable at all times. Wearing tie/foulard is compulsory. Male students are not allowed to wear earrings and all students are not allowed to wear visible piercing. 





NO tattoos or semi-permanent tattoo are permitted 



The winter uniform consists of trousers/skirt (recommended length 22inches/1450px), shirt, blazer, leather shoes (tennis shoes, heavy style boots are not allowed) tie/scarf. 



When the weather gets colder, a plain blue V neck jumper is allowed. A navy blue raincoat/coat can be worn 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">



The summer uniform consists of the same clothing except the blazer. Black smart shoes/ ballerina pumps for female students are allowed. 



Students who do not follow the uniform rules will be sent home.



Punctuality is a must


No smoking 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">校内绝不允许吸烟。


Mobile phones are tolerated but must be switched off during lesson time. If not, teachers have the right to confiscate it till the end of the lesson. If students are using their mobile to read their notes, please inform the teacher at the start of the lesson but must not abuse. 




Students must attend lessons with books and tools. If students fail to do so, then the students will be sent to the IB Library. 





Attending assembly, registration and bus lines is compulsory.


If any student arrives after 8.40am, then the student needs to fill in and sign a green register found under the IB notice board. 



If any student wishes to go out of college during break time, parents and the student must sign a form that needs to be renewed in Year 13. Students are 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal"> 



If any student has a free lesson due to a teacher’s absence, the student is not allowed to leave college unless there are no lessons throughout the remainder of the school day 3.30 




Students are not allowed to leave college at any time unless the teacher is absent and permission is given by the IB Coordinator 




If a student leaves college for any reason, the student must report to IB Coordinator or the school secretary, Ms Annalise Domenici or Ms Jade Houghton or Ms Rose Sultana or the security officer and sign the green register. 
如果学生因为一些必要的事情,需要离开校园,学生需要向IB辅导员及学校安保人员报告,并填写绿色登记表。学校的IB辅导员是Ms Annalise Domenici or Ms Jade Houghton or Ms Rose Sultana。

If a student is ill, the parents or the student must inform the school via email before 8.30am. Failure to do so will affect stipends payment. 



If a student needs to stop school before the end of term, parents must seek permission from the headmaster or produce a medical certificate. Failure to do so will affect stipends payment. 






When a student does not fulfill the requirements especially in English, the college allows the student to enter Year 12 as a foundation year. Close monitoring and results of the Mid Yearly and Annual exams will determine the student’s promotion to Year 13 



Students are not allowed to change subjects after Advent term unless they accept that they might repeat the year if their results are not satisfactory. Only change of levels : HL to SL is allowed. 



Homework and Internal Assessments must be handed in 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">家庭作业及论文是按时完成并提交。在规定的时间内,老师需要对学生的纸制作业进行签字确认。不可以通过EMAIL交作业。


Students, except boarders, are not allowed to print at school.



Students who are not respecting the school academic honesty policy will be dealt with according to the policy. (ref to document 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">任何未遵守学校规定的行为,都会得到相应的处罚。


If a student fails to present homework 3 consecutive times of any subject, the student will be suspended until completion of the work. 



If a student fails to present an Internal Assessment 0 0 0;text-align: justify;font-size: medium;font-family: Cambria;white-space: normal">如果学生没有按时完成论文,学生也会被暂停课程,直到论文完成。平时的考试结果与IB结果相连。在年中考试的时候,HL和SL表格会发到父母与学生手中,以设定他们的准确的目标与达到标准。



If a student fails in most subjects during Mid-Yearly Exams, the student’s progress will be closely monitored till the Annual Exams. If the student fails again in most subjects, the student will be asked to attend individual lessons outside school to upgrade standards or will be asked to repeat the year. 




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